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Enable app notifications

For the best Sixty60 experience, make sure you've enabled app notifications.


You can enable app notifications in your phone's "Settings".

Sixty60 uses push notifications to communicate the status of your order, so keep an eye on your phone.


Choose Alternatives

You can choose an alternative upfront while you’re shopping. This way, if your favourite product is out of stock, we'll pick your 2nd choice.


You can choose an alternative upfront while you're shopping. This way, if your favourite product is out of stock, we'll pick your 2nd choice.

How it works:
1) Tap "Choose an Alternative".
2) Pick your 2nd choice (or search for it if you don’t see it) and tap "Select Alternative".

We’ll remember your 2nd choice for future purchases. Once you’ve chosen an alternative product, you’ll see this symbol.


Everything you need to know about payment

At checkout, we reserve the value of your order. This reserved amount will appear on the SMS your bank sends you and it will appear as a "pending" transaction on your bank account.


Once your order has been delivered, this reserved amount will be reversed. It will be replaced with the actual value of the goods delivered to you. You only pay for the goods delivered to you.

Reversals are processed by your bank (not Checkers) and can take 1-10 days (bank dependant). Please contact your bank if your reversal has not been successful within 10 days.


You're all set!.

Start Shopping


Need help?


0800 00 6060




Our Help Centre is available from 8am-8pm daily.

Frequently Asked Questions